Residence of the EU citizens

If you are a citizen of the European Union and you plan to settle in the territory of the Slovak Republic for work, business or family reasons, in this case you have the right to apply for permanent residence permit – Residence of the EU citizens in Slovakia.

If you stay in the territory of the Slovak Republic for more than 90 days and you are the EU citizen, you are obliged to apply for registration of an EU citizen with the relevant Foreign Police Department within 30 days.


Euroconsult Slovakia is ready to help you with any questions regarding registration of EU citizen on Foreign Police, start the business, help to rent a flat or open a bank account.


A citizen of the Union has the right to reside in the territory of the Slovak Republic for a period longer than three months, if:

  • is a self-employed person in the territory of the Slovak Republic (business);
  • is employed in Slovakia;
  • is a director of the company in Slovakia
  • studies at a primary, secondary school or university in the Slovak Republic;
  • has sufficient funds for himself/herself and his/her family members so that they do not become a burden for the social assistance system and health insurance in the Slovak Republic during their stay;
  • is assumed to be employed;
  • is a family member of a citizen of the Union (excluding the citizen of the Slovak Republic), whom s/he accompanies or joins and who meets the previous conditions.

According to the Act on the Residence of Foreigners, citizens of the European Union are:

  • a citizen of a state which is a contracting party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area,
  • a citizen of another EU member state except the Slovak Republic,
  • a citizen of Switzerland.

What does the EU citizen need to register at the Foreign Police Department?

  • Application form in Slovak language
  • Valid passport
  • Two passport size colour photographs 3,0 x 3,5 cm
  • Document confirming the right of residence
  • Document confirming health insurance
  • Document of financial coverage of residence in the amount of statutory life minimum for each month of residence
  • Document on accommodation

The right of permanent residence permit of the EU citizen

If the EU citizen has been legally resident in the territory of the Slovak Republic continuously for a period of five years, the citizen has the right to be granted permanent residence permit. In some specific cases, the EU citizen is allowed to apply for permanent residence even earlier.

Obligation of the employer

If the EU citizen comes to Slovakia for the purpose of employment, his/her employer has to, within 7 working days of his/her arrival, notify this fact to the relevant Employment office his/her information card.


The family member of the EU citizen is a third-country national who is:

  • Spouse,
  • A child under 21, a dependent child and such children of the spouse,
  • Dependent direct relatives in descending or ascending line and such person of the spouse,
  • Any other family member not covered by points (a) to (c) who is a dependent in their country or origin,
  • Any other member of the family not covered by points (a) to (c) and a member of their household,
  • Any other family member not covered by points (a) to (c) who is dependent on his or her care for serious health reasons,
  • A third-country national with the right of residence in the same Member State as the Union citizen and the Union citizen is a Slovak citizen with whom the third-country national returns to or joins the residence back in the Slovak Republic and fulfils one of the conditions specified under points a) to g) in relation to a the Slovak citizen.

Note: Slovak family member is not considered to be a family member of the EU citizen and therefore these provisions do not apply to him/her (s/he is subject to permanent residence for 5 years).

Residence registration in the Slovak Republic

A family member of the EU citizen is obliged to report the beginning of the stay no later than 10 working days from the date of entry into the territory of the Slovak Republic.


A family member of the EU citizen is obliged to submit an application for the issuance of a document to the relevant Foreign Police Department no later than 30 days after the expiry of three months from the date of his/her entry into the territory of the Slovak Republic. Within a maximum of 30 days, the Foreign Police Department shall issue a document entitled “Residence card of a family member of the EU citizen” valid for five years or for the period of the guarantor’s intended stay, if this period is shorter than five years.

What does a family member of the EU citizen need to register at the Foreign Police Department?

  • Application form in Slovak language
  • Valid passport
  • Two passport size colour photographs 3,0 x 3,5 cm
  • Document certifying the existence of a family relationship with the EU citizen
  • Registration certificate of the EU citizen
  • Relevant documents proving the fact set out in the definition of Union citizen´s family member
  • Document on accommodation
  • Fee from 4.50 €